If you are a business owner or a marketer, familiarizing yourself with the customer journey will mean that you’ll be nurturing the customer experience and the looking at their interactions with your brand.

When customers have a positive experience it boosts brand awareness, credibility, and loyalty.

In this post, we’re looking at the basic guidelines you need to know to improve your customers’ journey, thus boosting your brand. 

Truths About the Customer Journey

To better grasp the customer’s journey, it’s helpful to put ourselves in their shoes. Here are some truths you should remember when designing a customer journey for a target demographic:

  • Your customers aren’t always sure they want to buy your products or services.
  • The customer journey is about the experience before, during, and after each purchase.
  • Your customers value their entire experience.
  • A good customer journey starts from the minute a consumer learns about your brand to the moment they are satisfied with their experience.
  • Satisfied customers become loyal and help your company grow.

Knowing how your customer thinks and why they behave the way they do is the key to understanding the customer journey.

5 Steps to Improve the Customer Journey

Here are 5 steps that you and your marketing team can take to improve the customer journey:

1. Commit to Nurturing Your Customer Growth

The process of improving the customer journey design doesn’t happen overnight, nor does it stop. It might take a year or two to see the full results of your decisions, so your commitment is crucial.

2. Integrate Technology Into Your Customer Experience

Technology and innovative ways of growing your brand awareness provide a competitive edge. Moreover, new technologies make it easier to reach a global audience.

Having a mobile app is another way to improve the customer journey because most customers prefer to use an app—even for customer service.

3. Use Customer Feedback

A customer journey map must include customer feedback. It’s the best way to learn about their expectations and improve your customer journey experience.

4. Have a Growth Mindset

Keeping and improving the customer journey is part of growing your business, so you have to think about the long-term results. You will surely encounter challenges and obstacles, but you can overcome them by taking actions that work for your company.

5. Be Consistent

Your customers want consistency in every step of the journey. It helps them get used to your brand and build trust. Inconsistency makes you look unreliable, which can kill your business.

Creating Journey Maps

Finally, to improve your customer journey, you need to create a customer journey map. Here are 5 essential steps to take to accomplish this:

1. Take a Multichannel Approach

Create a customer journey map for every website and mobile app you may have, as well as your in-person stores.

2. Engage in Customer Learning

The best way to create a map is by learning about the customer journey from your customers themselves. Aside from feedback forms, check forums where your brand is mentioned, or check comments consumers leave on your social media accounts.

3. Find the Most Competitive Place in Your Journey

The best way to create a customer journey map is to pinpoint the place in the journey where you’re losing the most customers that need immediate fixing.

Improve that area by upgrading your product or services to avoid consumer abandonment.

4. Utilize Customer Segmentation

Different customers will have different journeys, so segmenting your audiences is crucial. This helps you identify which customer journey works best for each segment.

5. Take a Full View of Your Customer Journey

A customer journey map is about the entire customer experience, so you should take a holistic approach.

When you look at your customer journey, you should see connections to your branding, messaging, and customer service. If a decision you’re making isn’t grounded in the customer journey, you have to find a way to make it fit.


A customer journey map is indispensable in improving the customer experience. It shows you how you’re developing an experience that will draw them to return.

Not sure how to improve customer experience? The customer journey is an excellent place to start, but it may not be enough. Operating a business requires a comprehensive look at the complete customer experience.

Elly and Nora Creative is a digital marketing agency in Phoenix that offers branding, content, and publicity for purpose-driven entrepreneurs, companies, and experts who want to grow their income and impact. If you’re ready to boost your brand to new heights, contact us today!