We’ve all heard about having good elevator pitches, but composing it can be a little tricky— especially if you have a complex idea or you’re in an industry that’s technical in nature. However, if you manage to get someone’s attention with a well-crafted elevator pitch the results can change your life. Now, you’re probably wondering how exactly you can do that, well, we have everything you need to know about making great pitches that will turn heads and lead to something worthwhile.

1. Identify Your Goal

It all starts with a goal. Any good pitch must have a clear and attainable goal to move forward on. For example, do you want potential clients to become aware of your organization? Do you want to get the attention of a successful business executive by pitching your unique product idea? Maybe you just want more people to understand what you do and the nature of your business. Whatever your objective or goal is for making your pitch, make sure it’s clear and concise enough for your audience to understand.

2. Explain What You Do

Now that your goal is clear enough in your mind, it’s time to start building your elevator pitch. Start by describing what your organization does. Focus on the problems that you solve and how you help people with what you’re offering. It’s also good to add some good and verified statistics that show how much value you bring with what you do. Remember that this part of your pitch should excite whoever it is you’re talking to. It should pique their interest and hold it for the next part of your pitch. Think of it as a tasty piece of bait that will allow you to hook your listener into hearing more about what you want to say.

3. Introduce Your Unique Selling Proposition

After the initial hook, the next thing you need to communicate is your unique selling proposition (USP).This is the part where you talk about what makes you, your product or idea, and your organization unique. Having a USP is a crucial part of your pitch since it helps you make a point that what you’re proposing is something they can’t find elsewhere. Whatever your USP is, make sure that only you can provide it, and you can prove that it works.

4. Engage with a Question

After presenting your USP to your listener, engaging them with a question would be the next course of action. The purpose of a question is to engage your listener and make them part of the conversation. Elevator pitches can be a little one-sided and you can’t always expect people to reciprocate the attention you’re giving them. But if you ask a question, that brings them into the conversation, further pulling them in so you can provide additional information about your idea. Just remember to prepare a couple of open-ended questions and avoid those that can be answered with a “yes” or a “no.”

Putting it All Together

By taking in all those steps, you’ll be able to create a sensible, engaging, and even intriguing elevator pitch that will help you get your ideas across. If you want people to know what you’re offering, having a compelling and effective elevator pitch can go a long way to helping more people become aware of your organization and what you offer.

If you want to make an impact on the digital world, you’ll need the help of a partner like Elly and Nora Creative. We are a boutique personal branding agency in Phoenix, AZ, determined to help entrepreneurs build better brands. Publicity, brand strategy, and content marketing for small businesses are at the heart of what we do. Connect with us today, and let’s start our journey together!