Gaining media attention is a big deal for companies, especially for those starting out. As media outfits can provide massive reach and free promotion for businesses, securing a cover story or segment is an achievement in itself. Acquiring media coverage can turn into better traffic, lead generation, and sales conversions.

Any business has what it takes to attract the media’s attention at any time. Fortunately, journalists can get the information they need without contacting the key people running a company through the help of press kits.

Defining a Press Kit

A press kit, also called a media kit, is a page on a website containing resources and information for reporters and publishers. They make it easier for reporters to learn more about a product or brand while gaining access to photos and marketing materials necessary for media coverage.

Having a press kit on a website indicates that a company or business welcomes the media if they need to produce a story, letting journalists know where they can be reached. However, a media kit isn’t only for reporters or major publications. Overall, it’s for everyone who might want to feature the business on different platforms, such as podcasts, personal blogs, or an online community.

How to Use Digital Press Kits

Traditionally, press kits are any set of documents, photos, or materials sent to media outlets for promotional purposes. However, media kits today are the standard way to get PR in digital media. Also, they are now accessible on a website instead of a flash drive.

They offer a convenient format to create and distribute content for promotional purposes, especially in the eCommerce space. The kit can promote product launches, mergers and acquisitions, company news, and special events.

What Is in a Press Kit?

The inclusions of a press kit depend on the type of business it supports. There are a few essentials or standards, such as story and mission, company facts, and branding. The story and mission aim to tell the history of how the business came to be. It is also an opportunity to talk about your goal for the future of your enterprise.

Meanwhile, the company facts may contain statistics or numbers that show how far your business has come. For example, enumerate how many clients you have served. It is also good to identify your years of experience, the duration of services, and other information like addresses and contact details.

Lastly, it should contain branding materials such as logos or graphics related to your business. With a press kit, media practitioners get to maximize your branding on their platforms to promote your firm more. 


Media coverage is difficult to acquire. Getting exposure from massive media outlets can be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to grow your niche, audience, and business simultaneously. Therefore, when the chance comes around, make sure to grab it. To make it easier for journalists to write a story about you and your business, provide them with press kits to ensure they have something to use right away.

Elly and Nora is a personal branding agency in Phoenix specializing in content creation and social media marketing. Our goal is to use our extensive knowledge in brand strategy, design, art direction, digital content, and publicity to help businesses thrive in the market. Let’s build your brand together! Sign up now on our website and book an appointment today.