Wondering if blogging is good for business? Let’s talk a little bit more about that. A successful blog uses several tools each of which has its own purpose. They help organize your ideas and give your blog a structure that supports your business goals. Needless to say, the most successful blogs all have one basic thing in common: purpose.

What is a blog’s purpose? Here are some examples:

  1. To build trust – Since more and more people get to hear your brand voice, you can competently address questions that clients and prospects have. Trust then gets created, which converts to full-on brand loyalty over time.
  2. To create a content catalog – This way, there will be plenty of resources that can be shared on social media, via email and through other digital means. It’s all about generating content so that marketing channels, as they come, can be used for traffic generation.
  3. To establish expertise – This way, readers will regard the business/brand as a reliable knowledge source for that field. It should be noted that readers don’t need to be told how to do what it is the business does. They should be able to see what you know and easily figure out what makes you a fantastic partner.

It should be noted that there are professionals that can be hired for support to write regular content if needed!

Individual Blog Post Types

There is no limit to the types of posts you write about, so here are some of the more specialized topics on which you could focus your writing schedule. When the purpose is clear and strong, the resulting return on investment (ROI) will be strong as well. 

  • Answer Basic Questions From Customers and Prospects

There are tons of questions that get repetitive over time. A good rule of thumb is to get a “Frequently Asked Questions” list up. Gather all the questions and list the answers in bullet points with sub-headers. Introduce the questions and answers in the initial paragraph. Direct people to the blog post instead of answering inquiries over and over.

FAQs can include:

  1. How long does it take to see marketing results?
  2. Small business email marketing: three reasons to get on board.
  3. What can you expect to receive for your investment in a Strategic Marketing Plan?
  4. Which social media platform is best for your business?
  • Showcase Product or Service Benefits

Don’t make this a hard sell. Paint a picture of how great it would be to have their pain points solved—and then give them a direct link that they can use to contact you or purchase something. Make sure to have a CTA (call to action) at the end, inviting them to contact you or make a purchase to act on their feelings.


Blogs are great for business! Purpose is a key factor and can range from building trust to establishing expertise. Individual blog types that can help with ROI include showcasing product or service benefits as well as answering basic questions from customers and prospects.

Hoping to work with a reliable content marketing agency in Phoenix? Elly and Nora Creative is the way to go! We’re a Phoenix, AZ-based boutique agency that does publicity, branding and content. Contact us today!