These days there’s no single right way to launch. A lot of people will start with a website. Some may start with just an email list. But we’d like to make a case for starting with a podcast.

To wet your whistle, check out these interesting stats about the growth of podcasting from Convince & Convert:

  • 75% of people now know what a podcast is (increasing by 10 million since last year)
  • Over HALF of Americans (12 and older) have listened to a podcast
  • The number of people listening to podcasts has grown by 37.5% in three years

The popularity of podcasting is growing at an incredible rate, but that’s not the only reason to consider it for your brand’s launch.


Getting Personal from the Get-Go


Podcasting in a lot of ways has replaced blogging. Content that was once reserved for text-based platforms has moved to audio, and we can see why!

While we still totally believe in the power of written content, there’s a real appeal when you can see or hear someone. It’s one of the reasons video and podcasting seemed to be taking the place of blogging. In a sea of infinite information, hearing a person’s voice or seeing their face establishes an almost immediate connection.

As you’re in the beginning stages of your brand, it is essential to make as many memorable connections as possible. 


Low Barrier to Entry


Another beauty of podcasting, like blogging, is that it doesn’t cost much to get off the ground with it. 

You could even do it for free.

With so much of what you need is built into your current computer, you could fire up a recording program, hit the red button and be on your way! 

The only aesthetic asset you’ll need is a podcast cover photo. And while a cute old-timey looking microphone is fun, it certainly isn’t a must. Many people have built a podcast to millions of listeners sitting in their closet with a laptop. Some have even managed recording on their phone in the car. 

Now, this is not to say it won’t be work. You’ll certainly have to give your time to create quality content, but what you won’t have to do is spend hundreds of dollars getting off the ground or months learning a totally new skill.


Networking Opportunities Galore


One of the most powerful elements of podcasting is the ability to connect with others in your industry through interviews. Podcasting has become a place where the cool kids come to hang out. Not only is it relatively easy for you to figure out how to podcast solo, it’s also pretty doable to bring others in on it. You don’t have to have a Dax Shepard-style interview attic to make it work.

You simply need the ability to video conference and record. This allows you to connect with people all over the world. This will serve not only your audience (as it exposes you to your interviewee’s fans) it also helps establish business connections that can last a lifetime.

Someone you interview on your podcast could be a:

  • Partner
  • Customer
  • Investor
  • Collaborator
  • Sponsor
  • Mentor

Starting a new business can be a lonely space. You’re working hard hours, typically alone. You’ll have mistakes, failures, and freakouts, that friends and family may not be able to relate to. Using a podcast to expand your network and grow your audience can also have a major impact on your career development.


You Can Monetize and Drive Traffic


As you grow your podcast, there are certainly ways in which it can become a profit-driving force as well! 

While your podcast may not be your main product, you should always be open to the potential each of your assets presents.

Ways your podcast can earn you money:

  1. Sell Ads: You don’t have to have huge numbers to start selling space on your podcast for ads. You don’t even have to join an ad network. Negotiate opportunities with like brands to be featured. 
  2. Send People to Your Products: Presumably, you have a product or service you’d like to offer. Don’t shy away from mentioning it! If you have a podcast about books and you’re an author, you better mention your book every episode! If you’re talking marketing tips with other professionals, you sure as heck better recommend your content-aligned course as well.
  3. Affiliate Marketing: Do the guests you’re featuring have affiliate marketing programs? If so, inquire about how you can get a special code for your listeners and earn commission on the traffic you send their way. 
  4. Patreon: Are your listeners so nuts about you they’d pay to support the show? Or pay for bonus materials? These days people will pay for more of what you’re already doing. What could be better? 

While we think podcasting is a great place to start, the real point is you have to start somewhere. By focusing on a single asset (rather than spreading yourself thin with 5+ different platforms) you can grow quicker. Podcasting is a real forgiving platform as well. It’s a great place to grow your content-producing skills without as long of a wait for traction as there might be with blogging these days. 

Do a little brainstorming around what a podcast would look like for you by following this simple worksheet:

Podcast Themes:

(Hint: These are your brand buckets!)

Potential Podcast titles:

  1. Title One:
  2. Title Two:
  3. Title Three:

(Research if the names are available.)

Competitive Research (List your favorite podcasts already in the space.)

  1. Podcast One:
    1. Favorite episode:
  2. Podcast Two:
    1. Favorite episode:
  3. Podcast Three:
    1. Favorite episode:
  4. Podcast Four: 
    1. Favorite episode:
  5. Podcast Five:
    1. Favorite episode:

Dream Guests:

Episode Ideas:

  1. Intro Episode:
  2. Core Content Idea:
  3. Core Content Idea:
  4. Core Content Idea:
  5. First Interview:
  6. Product/Service Related Topic:
  7. Core Content Idea:
  8. Second Interview:
  9. Core Content Idea:
  10. Fun Experimental Content Idea:

(Your core content ideas should be a direct representation of one of your brand buckets. Not sure what that is, check out this post.)