When it comes to conversions, having the right visuals on your website is super important. This becomes especially true for companies that conduct their business mostly online; since your potential customers will not get the chance to look at your products as they would in a brick and mortar store, the challenge falls to you to post engaging and high-quality images along with other visual elements that will capture the attention of your potential customers.

There’s no question that visual content increases the number of conversions that your website is able to rake in. If your online store has been operational for a while now, and you notice that you aren’t reaching your sales goals as much as you expected, there may be room for improvement when it comes to your visuals. In this post, we’ll share how to go about creating better visuals that will help boost your conversion rate.

A Quick Guide To Creating Visuals That Convert

When potential customers visit your website, there is already initial interest in what you have to offer. The best way to offer your customers the right information on the products you are selling is to use high-quality visuals.

Here are a few tips to help ignite the fire of inspiration for your visuals!

1 – Use High-Quality Pictures

As an online store, it pays to invest time and energy in taking high-resolution pictures of the products you are selling. Using stock photos may be an option, but it is much better to use high-quality photos that you take to show authenticity to your potential customers.

2 – Use Larger Pictures

Photos that have higher resolution are those that have more pixels per inch. Using these images will allow your customers to zoom in on the photo and get a better look at the product before they make a purchase decision. How many times do people do this before they buy? Many times! This is why using a low-resolution photo is a definite no-no.

3 – Photograph Your Items From Various Angles

Another great tip is to post your product photos from different angles to showcase the product better. This will help your potential customers make more informed decisions about the products, which will result in fewer complaints or dissatisfaction in the end.

4 – Use Actual Product Photos

Posting pictures of the actual product as it is being used will make it easier for your customers to understand the practical benefits of that product. By doing this, you will be switching your marketing message from one that is product-centered to customer-centered.


If you want to increase your sales in the future, these four tips can help. When creating your next set of photos to upload on your website, remember that your customers will be looking for more information and insight on the products they are interested in buying. There is no better way to provide this information than to post great visuals for them to browse through!

If you need digital marketing services in Phoenix, come to Elly and Nora Creative! We are a boutique branding, content, and publicity agency based in Phoenix, AZ. We help purpose-driven companies, entrepreneurs, and experts to grow their income and their impact.