Some things fall victim to time. With technology fast-evolving and human behavior changing, some of the most innovative ideas can become irrelevant and outdated. Remember VCRs, fax machines, and phone booths? They were all revolutionary at one point, but  are now pretty much obsolete. There are a few exceptions, however, one of them is public relations.

Communicating to influence and maintain a positive reputation has been more than a century-old practice, long before public relations was considered a profession. Given the foundation of public relations, it makes sense why it remains a relevant part of starting, and growing a business.

Other practices may be nearing their end, but public relations is far from it! PR continues to evolve— digital PR being the forefront of public relations’ future in the digital era.

What Is Digital PR?

Digital PR is the practice of using digital media and strategic communication to promote your business while also building relationships with clients, customers, co-workers, and the general public.

With the continuous filing of patents, most of which are aimed at the use of social media, companies will expand on their digital PR strategy and integrate the most relevant social media platforms into the plan.

Traditional PR vs. Digital PR

Traditional PR takes a more traditional approach to publicity and public relations. Traditional PR agencies and practitioners communicate and pitch ideas to reporters and editors of popular print media publications, such as newspapers, magazines, and blogs.

In contrast, digital PR utilizes the internet and social media to communicate a business or organization’s public relations message to the public, with the message being posted directly on the organization’s website, blogs, and social media accounts, as well as on various social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

Strategically, there is not much of a difference between traditional PR and digital PR. Both measures are used for the same purpose, promoting a company and building relationships with clients, customers, co-workers, and the general public.

How Digital PR Can Benefit Your Business

Online presence is vital in today’s business world. The more you engage with prospects, clients, and your target audience, the more opportunities you create for your business to grow, thrive, and gain a positive reputation.

When you work with a public relations agency for your small business that specializes in digital PR, your business can:

  • Strengthen Relationships

The most apparent benefit of digital PR is the ability to develop and strengthen your relationship with your clients, customers, job-seekers, and the general public.

Building relationships is the core of public relations, and digital PR can be a more direct way to establish relationships with target audience members in a more meaningful and impactful way.

  • Increase Customer Satisfaction

In today’s digital age, customer feedback can be easily elicited for free, with companies able to connect and communicate with current and potential customers on a more personal level, thanks to digital PR channels such as blogs and social media sites.

With digital PR, customers would have an avenue to air their grievances and directly provide feedback on products and services with the company, without third-party sources. And with technology on the rise, it is expected that online customer feedback systems, such as ratings and reviews, will increase.

  • Gain Public Awareness

With digital PR, a company can quickly reach a greater audience and gain public recognition by publishing content on the internet. 

In turn, the company can also increase its sales by including links to their e-commerce website on the digital content, prompting prospects and customers to visit the site for a more detailed description of the product or service.


The use of the internet and social media to communicate a business or organization’s public relations message to the public is the way to go, with organizations and companies taking advantage of digital PR channels to reach more customers and build more meaningful relationships.

Public relations is the essence of business, and without great PR, your business will fail before it even begins. As long as you work with a reputable public relations agency for your small business, your company will grow and thrive!

Do you want to build your business with digital PR? Then, let our team at Elly and Nora Creative help you! As one of the best public relations agencies for small businesses, you can rely on us to create a successful campaign that will bring you income, connect with your ideal audience, and move you closer to your long-term goals. Connect with us today!